Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Final Exam Essay Question

Your response to the following should be typed, double-spaced and turned in by the beginning of class on Thursday, Feb.28.

Throughout history, technological developments have enabled artists and architects to express ideas in new ways.
Choose and fully identify 2 works of art or architecture and the specific technologal development that made each work possible. One of your choices must date before 1800 CE and one must date after 1800 CE. For each work, analyze how the technological development enabled the artist or architect to express ideas in new ways.

See below for suggestions:

Before 1800:
Use of harder chisels in Greek sculpture.
Development of Pendentives in Hagia Sophia
Development of the arch, or concrete in Rome.
Use of Oil Paint in 14th century Netherlands (particularly with Van Eyck).
Development of Linear Perspective by Brunelleschi
Flying Buttresses and Gothic Cathedrals
The Camera Obscura in 17th century Netherlands (particularly Vermeer)
Introduction of paper to the West in the 8th century
The Printing Press in the 15th century

After 1800:
Paint in Tubes
Steel in Architecture
Computer Graphics
Mass Production/Industrialization

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